Samstag, 23. Juni 2007

Koh Samed

Gotta go to bed soon. Theme: One night in Bangkok. :) And then I'll be BACK! So enjoy the time that I'm still away as much as possible. You might regret it once I'm back!!!! =P

Anyway, I wanted to write a brief entry about my last two days: I went to Koh Samed, an Island in the eastern part of the gulf of Thailand. As I said, this Thai girl joined me. Or more.... Thai woman. Really nice! What wasn't nice at all was the fact, that Thais pay 20 Baht to enter the Islands and everyone else 400. If we would do that I think we would be considered racist. But oh well....
To cut it short: The water is too hot to cool you down. I so looked forward to swimming and getting a refreshment but with about 30 degrees celsius the water is more lukewarm than refreshing. =D What about you back home, aye? 30C water temperature?!?! Or maybe... less?? Anyway. At night a really good band was playing. Heaps of fun! And today I went scuba diving twice. It cost me about 80 - 90 Euro. For TWO dives - boat dives to be correct, all equipment provided and since there was no one else I had the divemaster for myself. Afterwards I even got lunch.... oh and not to forget the really good pineapple on board in between the dives. The fish are much more colourful than in Kaikoura. No wonder, considering the temperature. =) Saw many different schools of fish. Lots of them swim in tight packs and follow a certain line so that you get the impression of a fish highway. ;) Really cute! Unfortunately I didn't have a cam I could've taken underwater. Just imagine nice blue, yellow, blue-yellow, black-blue... fish. Not too colourful though but hey, blue and yellow is quite cool anyway and compared to Kaikoura I'm improving with the speed of light! Last but not least I saw some Nemos. :) Great experience overall with some less nice parts like: Rubbish on the beach and really crappy roads on the Islands. Charging 400 Baht per "touri" you might think that the improve the roads... but no way. Compared to those roads every backcountry road in New Zealand is a dream!!! And the environmental awareness isn't that great either. I thouhgt that at least a divemaster would care. But what did he do? Threw the empty water bottle over board straight into the sea. Yeah, right... Unbelievable.

But anyway. My bed desperately needs me and I don't want to keep it waiting any longer.

Have a good one and see ya soon - LITERALLY!
That's a menace - if you could put it that way. :)

PS: I even got around to play some Beachvolleyball. Something NZ couldn't offer.
PPS: Here's some more on Thai Tourist culture. I lost track counting the numerous times I've already heard "tuck tuck" "hallu" "miss" "taxi?" and most of all "WHERE YOU GO?" As if I would tell you. You might send your uncle to sell me gem stones or jewellry. No thanks!
Manuel_D - 25. Jun, 03:15

UTA - UlTra AnnA

Welch hirngebratene Ideen entspringen denn da dem fernöstlichen Schädel. Stehts zur Stelle, aber dieses Mal leider machtlos - unsere mit unzähligen Abzeichen behängte Umwelttechnische Assistentin. Ohne einen grausamen Fluch gegen diesen gedankenlosen dive instructor aussprechen zu können, muss sie tatenlos mit ansehen, wie das höchste Gut dieser Erde verschmutzt wird.
Doch dieses Elend wird ein Ende haben, wenn AnnA sich aufbäumt und anfängt nanobanano-biökolotrophology zu studieren und einen gefährlichen Bionic baut, der sich in die Hirnrinde von unzüchtigen Umweltverschmutzern frisst, um ihnen grausame Alpträume zu bereiten, in denen sie in Schmutzwasser schwimmen und mit Wasserflaschen beworfen werden.
Nein, nein, als böse würde man sie zu unrecht bezeichnen...
Auch wenn die liebe AnnA ihr Wissen wohl eher zum Wohle anderer einsetzen wird... seid gewarnt for Dr.Master-Prof.Dipl.Ing der Alchemie und des Master of Ceremony - von uns liebenswert "AnnA" genannt -, dass ihr bei keinem Unfug erwischt werdet und ihr der Zauberstab ausrutscht und ihr euer Leben lang in einer fremden Welt, Thailänder nach dem Weg fragen müsst.

Ein letzter Gruß in Dankbarkeit für deinen Besuch!
In Liebe, dein Nemo ;)

AnnA (Gast) - 25. Jun, 05:11

Classy as! Hilarious little story. Gotta protect that Nemo from pollution and keep it alive, aye?!

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= )
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