Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007

Fried AnnA with rice, please!

Today I've been to Ayuthaya (?!). It's an old town and was really important and had great influence in the past days when trading was 'fashion'. ;) On the train (what was an adventure for itself) a monk talked to me. And when a monk starts a conversation you have to reply otherwise it's really unfriendly. It was quite funny and I didn't understand 80%. Feels ridiculous to ask ten thousand times if he can repeat it please but anyway. Obviously he wasn't to annoid since he gave me lots of his chipslike thingy... dried something. Whatever! Really nice. Present from a MONK. =D
I got myself a bicycle for the day and had good fun. I took tons of pictures and successfully missed the Grand Palace! =D But hey, how great can a Grand Palace be if you miss it. Or my orientation is just crappy but I wouldn't say so. Hence it must be the size of the "Grand Palace". But everything else was really nice! So that made up for the 'great' palace. And something else happened to me. I got fried - big time! I'm red as!! You won't believe it. It was burning hot today... great humidity - and me on the bike. Yes. The suncream didn't really make any difference since it got "washed" away by the sweat as soon as you would apply it to the skin.
Another highlight was the ice I had in Ayuthaya. The woman completely misunderstood me so I ende up with an ice instead of a drink. But it was sweet as! One of the best I've ever had. Amazing! And while I'm eating away I realized that I was lacking a great deal of common sense here. The ice was crushed and came from a suspicous looking freezer and was probably made from tap water - no go. Ooooops!! I won't die. And it was so good that I didn't stop anyway. ;)

Who ever said, that Thai people are absolutely friendly must have been mistaken - at least partly. If you're not interested in buying their stuff and you say no politely they might get really angry or shout at you. It happened to me that a girl, after I tried Shirts on and decided that they just don't suit me, threw something at me while I was walking away... crazy aye?

And besides that the language barrier is even worse. Picture this: "Do I have to turn right here to get to Victory Monument?" "Yes, yes." "Because on the map it looks like a left turn..." "Yes, Yes." "So do I have to turn left or right?" "Yeeees, yes." "KK. Gotcha!" :) Therefore I don't bother with adjectives or anything else anymore but stick to basic nouns and hand movements. Maybe a verb if absolutely necessary. You can imagine how stupid I feel when surprisingly someone responds in quite good english. =)

Tomorrow I'm going to Ko Samet, an island, to enjoy rather the beach than sunshine - after my frying session today! Might do some diving, if there are no sharks!!! Who knows. I even got company. Talked to a girl in the guesthouse I'm staying at because she's been there before and gave me directions. Because she's so keen on going too she'll join me tomorrow. And she's going to a party tomorrow night on Ko Samet so my evening entertainment is on. Booyah!!!

Catch ya later guys!
Manu (Gast) - 22. Jun, 12:32


That's just great! Ur so good in making a good time out of everything. The sunburn seems bad though, but your story about directions is hilarious. It's fun to read ur entries anyway. Looking forward to the pictures. If u dont put them online I'll hopefully see them soon anyway =D.
Today I make a math day. Didnt had uni and slept in. Now one of my classmates is coming and we'll do a huge bunch of math, hehe.
So, big girl... stay upright and bring some fried AnnA for dinner :-p

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