Dabidu AnnA used glue.
Glued my glasses today and so far they stick to my nose as if I glued them to it as well. =D Am in Hastings now - currently 10 free minutes Internet in the I-Site.
Merci beaucoup Mr Kiss for updating my letter of motivation. It sounds really good like that.
Back from the stroll around town and what can I tell you?! Wellll... I saw a music store and just went inside for fun to take a look at the instruments - preferably Saxophones. I started to chat with the clerk and after our chat he asked me if I wanted to have a play on the Saxophone, just for fun. Amazing people those kiwis. Don't really know much by heart but it was cool nonetheless. Strange things happen... ;)
Merci beaucoup Mr Kiss for updating my letter of motivation. It sounds really good like that.
Back from the stroll around town and what can I tell you?! Wellll... I saw a music store and just went inside for fun to take a look at the instruments - preferably Saxophones. I started to chat with the clerk and after our chat he asked me if I wanted to have a play on the Saxophone, just for fun. Amazing people those kiwis. Don't really know much by heart but it was cool nonetheless. Strange things happen... ;)
Neuseeland - 25. Mai, 03:06
himmel himmel...hatte püktlich zu meinem geburtstag im april den kompletten pc-absturz...es war alles weg, auch die url von deiner seite... jetzt hab ich sie endlich wieder vom frithjof :) also entschuldige, dass ich mich so lange nicht mehr gemeldet hab...
ach, ich muss mich erstmal durch alle beiträge lesen...ein paar hab ich schon gelesen, schön, dass es dir soweit gut geht!!
bei is sowei noch alles im grünen...naja die mündliche abiprüfung lief nicht ganz so gut (4+), aber solange ich durchkomme soll mir auch das recht sein... ergebnisse gibts donnerstag- ich bin schon sehr gespannt...eiegtnlich hab ich suamäßig schiss...naja wird schon
liebe grüße hanna